Project Insights

Startly’s fully customizable project dashboards provide at-a-glance visibility into your project. Each dashboard consists of easy-to-use widgets which can be filtered to display the most important information for your role on the project. Dashboards help to...

Project Settings

Selecting Settings from the project menu displays a series of tabbed cards that organize and present all of the key setup and configuration items for the selected project. This section contains the following tabs: Project Setup Visible to all users Admins and Project...

Roles & Permissions

During the change management process, there are several individuals (or groups) that are involved, each having access to edit the change request while it’s in their queue.  Once the request leaves their queue, they will not be able to make changes unless...

End User Sync

Quickly add your Customer End Users via Active Directory or Okta with Startly’s End User Sync integration. Administrative access to network users and/or a Super User with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) access is required to properly configure a...

Single Sign On – Okta

Use one set of credentials to conveniently access Startly via your Okta instance. Startly utilizes OpenID Connect (OIDC) for the Okta integration for SSO. Set-Up Instructions In Okta Admin console Open the Okta Admin Console Select Applications from the left nav menu...