Customer Settings

Customer Service Management Settings are those attributes and features that are exclusive to a customer. The following Service Management settings can be configured at the global level or at the customer level:

  • Locations
    • Designate customer office locations, to assign end users to a location.

  • Assignment Groups
    • Used by all features of Service Management (Ticketing, Asset Management, Change Management, and Knowledge Base).

  • Ticketing Categories
    • Define categories and sub-categories to record the type of each ticket.

  • Contact Sources
    • Used by Ticketing to record the contact channel (call, email, walk up).

  • Custom Lists (2)
    • Allows you to define up to 2 unique lists and record each ticket against these list (for reporting purposes).

  • Shippers
    • Define shipping information used within the Asset Management module.

  • Service Catalog
    • You can prescribe a defined list of service catalog items, to be used for creating and managing service requests.

  • Asset Categories
    • Customer-specific asset category items.

  • Asset Models
    • Customer-specific asset model items.

  • Vendors
    • Asset management vendors.

  • Depot Facilities
    • Used to define customer-specific depot facilities. This can be helpful if you are managing assets stored at a customer’s facility.

Customer Service Management Settings
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