Administrator Overrides

An Administrator of your Startly account can override and manage all timesheet and expense information. The practice of overriding time and expense is not preferred, but is often necessary for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • A Team Member has left your organization and their final timesheet needs to be submitted.
  • A Manager or Project Approver has left the organization and there are timesheets and expenses pending approval.
  • Previously approved time or expenses were identified a wrong, and needs to be moved to another project.

An Administrator can manage all time and expenses, including:

  • Submit time or expenses on behalf of another Team Member
  • Approve time or expenses on a project or for a Manager
  • Move time or expenses from one project or internal code to another
  • Amend time or an expense

Impersonating a Team Member

To manage another Team Member’s approvals, timesheets or expenses is to impersonate that Team Member. Once you impersonate a Team Member, you can act on their behalf to modify or complete their approvals, or submission of time and expenses.

Administrator Approvals

Project Approvers and Managers are responsible for approving time and expense entries. In the event a Project Approver or Manager is no longer an active Team Member (their status changed to Inactive or Separated), the approval is routed to the Administrator.

Auto-Approval of Timesheets and Expenses

Some projects may be configured with a setting of Timesheet Approval Required not enabled (Off). When this feature is not enabled, the Project Approver may approve/reject timesheets, but is not required to approve. Under this scenario, these project time entries will be marked as approved when the corresponding accounting period is closed.

The Administrator closes an accounting period. Before closing, the Administrator may want to review all projects with pending approval time.

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