Customer Profile

Selecting a customer from the Customer List screen takes you to the Customer Profile screen. The Customer Profile screen contains a series of cards that organizes and presents all of the key information for a customer.

This screen contains the following detail cards:

  • Customer Details
    • General information about this customer.
  • Projects
    • List of currently open (active) Projects for this Customer.
  • End Users
    • Personnel at this customer who are either a) key contacts at this customer account; or b) persons being supported within the service management features of Startly–Ticketing and Asset Management.
  • Documents
    • List of key documents for this customer–this can be contracts, Master Service Agreement, etc.
  • Service Management Settings
    • If you create Projects that take advantage of our service management features, you can configure settings at the Customer-level and re-use those settings across multiple Projects for this customer.
Customer Profile Screen

Customer Header Bar

The persistent header bar establishes your location within the application. Currently viewing a Customer’s Profile, the header bar will include a customer logo, customer name as well as a back button for navigation.

BACK ICON  Look for the Back icon to navigate back to the Customer List.

Customer Profile Header Bar
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